
Security Check Emerald Sun

Malware/Breach report.   This was reported by a site visitor today, I have been investigating sicne.
This is what I know so far.  The threat appears to be a medium grade threat according to SUCURI, and it has been fixed also according to Sucuri.ReMay be an image of text

Site check sucuri

Site check sucuri

I wanted to make an announcement, my website Emerald Sun, has some faulty code, being considered “Malware”
Excuse me for being a little bit old school, I use flat HTML still for coding a lot of things, including Craigslist ads etc
So now because I use old school code in my blog posts, Sucuri and other malware reporting sites, are saying my site has “anomolies” in the code, and flag it as a “medium threat”
I removed to plugins that I used which were older. And updated my code, and I asked Sucuri to review my sites again for an updated report.
I use their virus scanning software on my website, and I get a clean report
So for reference, that site above, is a great site to check on security issues for any site that you don’t trust.
And Im including my reports from the same software provider that come directly from the internal scan. also shows the site is clean;
This was just an false positive IMHO, but to the naked eye, it looks like a “breach”.
Always do your own research, especially about any risky online app or website.

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